David Keyes

Hello, my name is David.  I have worked at Cumberland Fellowship since the 2019, but I have gone to church there since 2007.  I am a small-town guy and have lived in Crossville my entire life. The only exception is when I moved to Cookeville for college but still traveled back and forth weekly to attend church.  I began CF when I was a freshman in high school and slowly, after Pastor Sam asking every week, began getting more involved in the Attic ministry.  That is where I began to understand my calling and found myself wanting to serve in more ways.  Throughout college, I was a leader at the Attic serving in various roles, but I could never find a way to leave and still serve there weekly.  I am the maintenance guy at church who tries to keep everything in good working order so if you ever see something broken, come find me, and we will talk about how you broke it…  All jokes aside, I am blessed to have the job that I do and would love to meet you. I am always running around between buildings, so come find me.

Favorite Hobbies:  Sports and cars

Favorite Color:  Blue

Favorite Scripture:  Psalm 143